indonesia language name

Words of Chinese origin (presented here with accompanying Hokkien/ Mandarin pronunciation derivatives as well as traditional and simplified characters) include pisau (匕首 bǐshǒu  – knife), loteng, (樓/層 = lóu/céng – [upper] floor/ level), mie (麵 > 面 Hokkien mī – noodles), lumpia (潤餅 (Hokkien = lūn-piáⁿ) – springroll), cawan (茶碗 cháwǎn – teacup), teko (茶壺 > 茶壶 = cháhú [Mandarin], teh-ko [Hokkien] = teapot), 苦力 kuli = 苦 khu (hard) and 力 li (energy) and even the widely used slang terms gua and lu (from the Hokkien 'goa' 我 and 'lu/li' 汝 – meaning 'I/ me' and 'you'). 62 Native Indonesian Girl Names With Meanings [60] Nevertheless, acoustic measurements suggest that Indonesian has more syllable-based rhythm than British English,[61] even though doubts remain about whether the syllable is the appropriate unit for the study of Malay prosody.[58]. [28] This phenomenon is amplified by the use of Indonesian slang, particularly in the cities. It was promoted by nationalists in the 1920s and achieved official status under the name Bahasa Indonesia in 1945. Depending on how you define a language and how you count its number of speakers, today Malay-Indonesian ranks around sixth or seventh in size among the world’s languages. Top 100 names from around the world + Penpal Statistics @ Students of the World. For instance, the same word is used for he/him and she/her (dia or ia) or for his and her (dia, ia or -nya). There is no difference between singular and plural. So, as it is logically, one does not change the singular into the plural form, because it is not necessary and considered a pleonasm (in Indonesian often called pemborosan kata). ", "would Madam like to go? Malaysian Malay claims to be closer to the classical Malay of earlier centuries, even though modern Malaysian has been heavily influenced, in lexicon as well as in syntax, by English. When the Dutch East India Company (VOC) first arrived in the archipelago, the Malay language was a significant trading and political language due to the influence of Malaccan Sultanate and later the Portuguese. The word yang "which" is often placed before demonstrative pronouns to give emphasis and a sense of certainty, particularly when making references or enquiries about something/ someone, like English "this one" or "that one". Due to increasing demand among students, the Embassy will open an intermediate Indonesian language course later in the year. Alpha Omega Translations provides multilingual translation, interpretation, transcription, localization, editing, glossary development, desktop publishing and design, and writing for private and government entities. Anda is used with strangers, recent acquaintances, in advertisements, in business, and when you wish to show respect (though terms like tuan "sir" and other titles also show respect), while kamu is used in situations where the speaker would use aku for "I". To say that something "is" an adjective, the determiners "itu" and "ini" ("that" and "this") are often used. Indonesian is a 20th century name for Malay. Diphthongs are differentiated from two vowels in two syllables, such as: The consonants of Indonesian are shown above. [38][39], Indonesian is neither a pidgin nor a creole since its characteristics do not meet any of the criteria for either. Indonesian has borrowed from many other languages, such as Persian and Arabic, but if you look at its vocabulary, you will see that the most foreign loanwords you will find are actually Sanskrit. pustaka (from Sanskrit), kitab (from Arabic) and buku (from Dutch boek); however, each has a slightly different meaning. Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. This in turn makes the Indonesian term for archbishop uskup agung (literally great bishop), which is combining the Arabic word with an Old Javanese word. In some regions of Indonesia such as Sumatra and Jakarta, abang (a gender-specific term meaning "older brother") is commonly used as a form of address for older siblings/males, while kakak (a non-gender specific term meaning "older sibling") is often used to mean "older sister". It is sometimes said that the Indonesian language is an artificial language, meaning that it was designed by academics rather than evolving naturally as most common languages have,[49] in order to accommodate the political purpose of establishing an official and unifying language of Indonesia. However, there is some disagreement among linguists over whether stress is phonemic (unpredictable), with some analyses suggesting that there is no underlying stress in Indonesian. In 1947, the spelling was changed into Republican Spelling or Soewandi Spelling (named by at the time Minister of Education, Soewandi). Hence, in a sentence such as "saya didekati oleh anjing galak" which means "I was approached by a ferocious dog", the use of the adjective "galak" is not stative at all. In this case, "mangoes", which is plural, is not said as mangga-mangga because the plurality is implicit: the amount a kilogram means more than one mango. The Indonesian name for the language (bahasa Indonesia) is also occasionally found in English and other languages. All Indonesia presidents since the country gained independence in 1945 have been all native Javanese speakers. Using the "ter-" prefix, implies a state of being. Javanese is also recognized as the official language in East Java as well as in Central Java. Since the 7th century, the Old Malay language has been used in Nusantara (Indonesian archipelago), evidenced by Srivijaya inscriptions and by other inscriptions from coastal areas of the archipelago, such as those discovered in Java. Instead, a marker is inserted into the phrase to show when something happened, like “today” or “last year”. Just browse the modern Indonesian babies names shortlist Indonesian name from a-z alphabetic order and get the Indonesian baby name of your choice. Minahasa Surname. Indonesian Girl Names Alphbetically From A to Z With Meaning . No real distinction is made between "girlfriend" and "boyfriend", both pacar (although more colloquial terms as cewek girl/girlfriend and cowok boy/boyfriend can also be found). Some analyses list 19 "primary consonants" for Indonesian as the 18 symbols that are not in parentheses in the table as well as the glottal stop [ʔ]. From the way the name sounds to meanings, all are considered to determine a decent and graceful name for the beloved. [20] The term Bahasa Indonesia itself had been proposed by Mohammad Tabrani in 1926,[21] and Tabrani had further proposed the term over calling the language Malay language during the First Youth Congress in 1926. In 2010, Indonesian had 42.8 million native speakers and 154.9 million second-language speakers,[1] who speak it alongside their local mother tongue, giving a total number of speakers in Indonesia of 197.7 million. Compared to the indigenous dialects of Malay spoken in Sumatra and Malay peninsula or the normative Malaysian standard, the Indonesian language differs profoundly by a large amount of Javanese loanwords incorporated into its already-rich vocabulary. Most Popular, Beautiful, Rare, Stylish, Top & Unique Girl Names Born In Indonesia . Though the symbols are totally different from those of the Latin alphabet, is written and read from left to right, like most other languages written using the Latin script. Bəliau "his/her Honour" is respectful. There are three common forms of "you", Anda (polite), kamu (familiar), and kalian "all" (commonly used as a plural form of you, slightly informal). Many initial consonants alternate in the presence of prefixes: sapu (to sweep) becomes menyapu (sweeps/sweeping); panggil (to call) becomes memanggil (calls/calling), tapis (to sieve) becomes menapis (sieves). In marked contrast to the French, Spanish and Portuguese, who pursued an assimilation colonial policy, or even the British, the Dutch did not attempt to spread their language among the indigenous population. The most common and widely used colloquial Indonesian is heavily influenced by the Betawi language, a Malay-based creole of Jakarta, amplified by its popularity in Indonesian popular culture in mass media and Jakarta's status as the national capital. In time, the spelling system is further updated and the latest update of Indonesian spelling system issued on 26 November 2015 by Minister of Education and Culture decree No 50/2015. Please use this up to date list of Indonesian name as a reference to name your kid/child. Instead, a local language with far fewer native speakers than the most widely spoken local language was chosen (nevertheless, Malay was the second most widely spoken language in the colony after Javanese, and had many L2 speakers using it for trade, administration, and education). Similarly, verb affixes in Indonesian are attached to root words to form verbs. For example, Dutch schroef [ˈsxruf] > sekrup [səˈkrup] (screw (n.)). Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. It is generally the penultimate syllable that is stressed, unless its vowel is a schwa /ə/. Word order in Indonesian is generally subject-verb-object (SVO), similar to that of most modern European languages, such as English. Here are the top three languages of Indonesia: An interesting thing to point out about Indonesian, before we go into more detail, is that it is actually a variety of the Malay language that became standardized and is now the official language of the country. Often the "ber-" intransitive verb prefix, or the "ter-" stative prefix is used to express the meaning of "to be...". [26] The combination of nationalistic, political, and practical concerns ultimately led to the successful adoption of Indonesian as a national language. Allah (Arabic: الله‎), as it is mostly the case for Arabic speakers, is the word for God even in Christian Bible translations. Indonesian was also influenced by the Melayu pasar (literally "market Malay"), which was the lingua franca of the archipelago in colonial times, and thus indirectly by other spoken languages of the islands. Javanese has its own writing system, but is also written using Latin and Arabic scripts. Loanwords from Portuguese were mainly connected with articles that the early European traders and explorers brought to Southeast Asia. In fact, they consciously prevented the language from being spread by refusing to provide education, especially in Dutch, to the native Indonesians so they would not come to see themselves as equals. Spelling changes in the language that have occurred since Indonesian independence include: Introduced in 1901, the van Ophuijsen system, (named from the advisor of the system, Charles Adriaan van Ophuijsen) was the first standardisation of romanised spelling. Even the name of the Bible in Indonesian translation is Alkitab (from Arabic: الكتاب‎ al-kitāb = the book), which literally means "the Book". Measure words are also found in English such as two head of cattle, a loaf of bread, or this sheet of paper, where *two cattle, a bread, and this paper (in the sense of this piece of paper) would be ungrammatical. This has been based more upon political nuance and the history of their standardisation than cultural reasons, and as a result, there are asymmetrical views regarding each other's variety among Malaysians and Indonesians. [7], Indonesian is the official language of Indonesia, and its usage is encouraged throughout the Indonesian archipelago. The phrase "to run amok" comes from the Indonesian verb amuk (to run out of control, to rage). Away from the major cities and areas of dense population, there are significant variations from one valley to the next and almost from one village to the next. The country's official language is Indonesian, a variant of Malay based on its prestige dialect, which for centuries had been the lingua franca of the archipelago. Bahasa Indonesia: The Indonesian Language. All of the other changes were a part of the Perfected Spelling System, an officially mandated spelling reform in 1972. Four words are used for negation in Indonesian, namely tidak, bukan, jangan, and belum. [7] Some of classic Indonesian stories include Sitti Nurbaya by Marah Rusli, Azab dan Sengsara by Merari Siregar, and Sengsara Membawa Nikmat by Tulis Sutan Sati. Largest collection of indonesian girl names, indonesian girl names and meanings, indonesian baby girl names. This table lists all of: ISO 639-1: two-letter codes, one per language for ISO 639 macrolanguage; And some of: 24/ 2009 mentions explicitly the status of the Indonesian language.[46]. Over the first 53 years of Indonesian independence, the country's first two presidents, Sukarno and Suharto constantly nurtured the sense of national unity embodied by Indonesian, and the language remains an essential component of Indonesian identity. The Chinese loanwords are usually concerned with cuisine, trade or often just things exclusively Chinese. Rendra, poet Chairil Anwar, and cinematographer Garin Nugroho. Means "praised, commendable" in Arabic, derived from the root حَمِدَ ( hamida) meaning "to praise". Daku "I" and dikau "you" are poetic or romantic. (The) carriage which is red = the red carriage. Indonesian adopts English words with standardisation. [43] Indonesian has been taught in Australian schools and universities since the 1950s. One notable example is Shackles which was written by Armijn Pane in 1940. For example: imajinasi from imagination, universitas from university, aksesori from accessory, geografi from geography, konservatif from conservative, rutin from routine, and so on. Words of Arabic origin include dunia (from Arabic: دنيا‎ dunyā = the present world), names of days (except Minggu), such as Sabtu (from Arabic: سبت‎ sabt-u = Saturday), iklan (آعلان‎ iʻlan = advertisement), kabar (خبر‎ khabar = news), Kursi (كرسي‎ kursī = a chair), jumat (جمعة‎ jumʻa = Friday), ijazah (إجازة‎ ijāza = 'permission', certificate of authority, e.g. In informal writing, the spelling of words is modified to reflect the actual pronunciation in a way that can be produced with less effort. In Indonesian, there are: Adjective affixes are attached to root words to form adjectives: In addition to these affixes, Indonesian also has a lot of borrowed affixes from other languages such as Sanskrit, Arabic and English. The pronouns aku, kamu, engkau, ia, kami, and kita are indigenous to Indonesian. They are frequently omitted, and there are numerous ways to say "you". The word satu reduces to se- /sə/, as it does in other compounds: Example: It was also the language used for the propagation of Islam in the 13th to 17th centuries, as well as the language of instruction used by Portuguese and Dutch missionaries attempting to convert the indigenous people to Christianity. a school diploma certificate), kitab (كتاب‎ kitāb = book), tertib (ترتيب‎ tartīb = order/arrangement) and kamus (قاموس‎ qāmūs = dictionary). Most people know that it can be found somewhere in the south of the Pacific Ocean, more or less in between mainland Asia and Australia, but beyond that many of us draw a blank. things (in general), large things, abstract nouns, dua buah meja (two tables), lima buah rumah (five houses), seekor ayam (a chicken), tiga ekor kambing (three goats), seorang laki-laki (a man), enam orang petani (six farmers), seratus orang murid (a hundred students), sebiji/ sebutir telur (an egg), sebutir/ butiran-butiran beras (rice or rices), flat fragments slabs of stone, pieces of wood, pieces of bread, land, coins, paper, Yes, I can speak Indonesian / No, I can not speak Indonesian, This page was last edited on 15 January 2021, at 12:16. Although each language of the family is mutually unintelligible, their similarities are rather striking. Sangat or amat (very), the term to express intensity, is often being replaced with the Javanese-influenced banget. 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