Provide an open communication channel to utilize for employee updates and feedback. On April 1, our Charity Committee launched a donation drive designed to do just that, while following all of the latest stay-at-home guidance. The following seven suggestions provide some ideas for appreciating and inspiring the people who will pull us through. Here’s a list of things organizations can do, and some things we’ve done, to help keep employees engaged and connected during COVID-19. 8 Ways to Leverage Recognition During the COVID-19 Pandemic We see a much richer, more multi-faceted view of our colleagues, in ways that deepen our relationships and our connections. To help reassure employees that they are valued members of a strong organization that will get through the crisis, it’s advisable to run a variety of challenges that incentivize participation. Here is a simple framework to help you structure your thoughts so that what you say will be authentic and personal whether you are recognizing someone’s great work face-to-face or via Zoom. However, there are a few questions that are common to all companies: 1. Business continuity and resilience. Have you personally thanked them for what they are doing, or for something they have quietly delivered just recently? Flexibility: During a major crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, making one’s employees … We see partners, and children, and cats and dogs, coming in and out of our meetings. The recent outbreak of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, has caused immediate need for social distancing to stop the spread of this highly contagious virus. For more resources from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: All of our coronavirus content in one place. To fully support employees, it’s key for managers to consider life outside of work. ... How businesses respond will have a lasting impact on employee behavior including, engagement… Getting a little blood pumping goes a lot way in elevating your mood. Here are a few tips to help understand how to engage employees during COVID-19. FMP Examples: Our Management Team meets weekly to track the impacts of the pandemic on our projects, workload, business development efforts, and more. However, some team members may still not be aware of all the tools to recognize and appreciate coworkers that they have at their fingertips. For example, in honor of a colleague’s recent birthday, FMPer Kristin Price coordinated a virtual surprise party during the first 10 minutes of an internal project meeting. Furthermore, not only does recognition improve employee engagement, it also strengthens manager-to-peer relationships, peer-to-peer relationships, and understanding of an organization’s core values. Our personal favorites are the free virtual ZUMBA classes hosted by our Managing Partner, Sherean Miller, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. How One Company Is Taking Care Of Employees During COVID-19. That’s why so many organizations have made employee engagement a priority. Read recent news stories and press releases about O.C. Your Essential Guide to Building a Recognition Program. Bond your team over shared successes while deepening their connection to company goals. Bonuses, monetary awards and gifts are important, especially while many employees struggle financially due to COVID-19, but so are simple acknowledgements like e-cards, emails, calling out employees for their hard work during team meetings and simply saying thank you. Family, hobbies and stressors are overlapping in unexpected ways. Soon after, our Quaran-TEAM Fun Microsoft Teams channel was born. Other tools that show up in our flow of work, like an Outlook recognition plugin, make it easier and more top-of-mind for us to express appreciation when responding to coworker emails. Remind your people that they are valuable! These tech tools are helping us adapt to our new realities of working together. Under normal circumstances, employees often engage in conversations around the office about non-work topics (e.g., sports, tv shows, pets). 1. Realize that what happens in one part of an employee’s life impacts all others. Reward and recognition programs, whether formal or informal, can also boost employee engagement. They don’t sugar-coat or minimize the realities they are facing. Some like to cook, play instruments or dance in the living room. A list of modern On our video calls we are seeing into the homes and lives of those we work with. 3. Read on: 10 Tips to Help Your Teams Stay Productive While Working From Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Additionally, as part of our Quaran-TEAM Fun Channel, our Wellness Committee maintains the Fitness Fun Channel to keep staff apprised of great ways to keep moving, provide a forum for sharing fitness and wellness advice, and stay motivated together. Modern mobile recognition apps are more essential now than ever. Measure real-time employee engagement. What, if anything, should be different about how we lead during these unprecedented times of disruption in the lives of our coworkers? View our open positions. By using this website you agree to our use of cookies. How to Keep Your Employees Engaged While Working Remotely Through COVID-19. As COVID-19 continues to … "Upon receiving feedback, you can act accordingly," said Krol. 1. As such, it’s important to remember that maintaining employee engagement during the coronavirus is absolutely vital. World Central Kitchen seeks to create smart solutions to hunger and poverty, and to respond quickly to feed the hungry in times of disaster. And let’s model what that looks like by regularly using them ourselves. Don’t just recognize. Reports of declining revenues, lost customers, cost-cutting measures, impending layoffs, and in the current crisis, increasing death tolls, are virtually inescapable. Here are the 5 ways. We are more aware than ever of how much we rely upon each other. Conduct Regular Check-Ins. During this time of uncertainty, social distance, and what Time Magazine calls “The World’s Greatest Work-From-Home Experiment”, organizations are searching for ways to keep their employees engaged and connected. A little virus-induced distance is making us all more appreciative of our teams—for their resilience and commitment to help us get through this no matter what comes our way. During a crisis, don’t forget about your core values and your company culture. Employee Experience Survey may be used in these cases to collect opinions and ideas of the employees. Here are three ways employers can reduce panic and keep employee morale up during the coronavirus outbreak. It doesn’t matter what outlet people prefer. This month we’re shining a spotlight on employee engagement. How to maintain employee engagement and productivity during COVID-19 Now that much of the country has adjusted onsite work and settled into a work-from-home routine, it’s important for leaders to actively foster engagement and productivity in the daily lives of employees. Most leaders, when they think of recognition or appreciation, think it’s all about receiving. As employee engagement goes up, productivity goes up (as does retention and safety). All, I'm trying to use the slow winter season/covid era to encourage cohesion, improve retention and boost morale. With so many more of us working from home, our work lives have merged with our home lives. Focus on your core values. In sharp economic downturns, employees need the sustenance of positive daily communications and experiences more than ever. Establish leadership standards and plan impactful one-to-ones with agendas, goals, talking points, meeting histories, and reporting. Does it not then make sense to honor and appreciate those we work with by inviting their family members to join in on recognition experiences too? Every month at FMP, we share our thoughts on the latest workplace trends and explore the effects they have on employees. Earn points to redeem for rewards. 6 Ways to Keep Employees Engaged and Connected During COVID-19. Let your core values serve as a guide for you. Close. For these reasons, employee engagement is more important now than ever before. Employee recognition tools for celebrating daily wins. ... Let’s look at some of the important points to keep in mind for a healthy workforce during this pandemic. They speak not just about their survival, but about their success. Tanner is always looking for people who are bright, bold, collaborative, and interested in growing a global company. Continue to invest in your leaders Many organisations have put their leadership development programs on … Stay calm. Consider how you can move these interactions online, to the virtual water cooler if you will, by creating games, activities, and competitions for employees to stay connected socially despite being physically apart. The best forms of recognition are expressed from a spirit of heartfelt appreciation. Twitter. Many organizations are aware that the physical and emotional wellbeing of their employees is highly impacted during … Tanner develops strategic employee recognition and reward solutions that help people accomplish and appreciate great work. Most of us have had at … Making recognition personal is fundamental to conveying genuine appreciation, and not just going through the motions. So, you can take a quick pause from your workday to do a virtual yoga or workout class with your team. Published 10 February 2020 Tags. Overall levels of engagement and average growth in engagement were not compromised for organizations implementing employee engagement measures and interventions during COVID-19. In other words, how did their actions contribute to what you stand for. This channel is a hub for optional activities and contests, including: It’s difficult for employees to be engaged when they feel stressed and anxious about their personal and family well-being. The same is true for recognition tools. Given how rapidly COVID-19 is evolving, it’s critical that organizations monitor the situation closely and provide accurate and timely updates to employees. Tanner and how we contribute to building company culture. Finally, Link what they did back to the purpose of your team or organization. Tanner offers a variety of workshops, trainings, and free webinars throughout the year. Gather employee feedback. This pandemic has brought significant changes to the way we work. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to change how they work and support employees, but implementing some of these strategies can help you make employees feel secure and valued despite these changes. Employee Engagement during the Coronavirus. Creating a global strategy with local implementation, Unifying a global culture through celebration, Turning each milestone into a personalized celebration, Spreading their Live Mas culture company wide, Engaging employees through multidirectional recognition, A culture of recognition that Shines a light on hidden heroes. Your browser is out of date and may not be able to properly display our website. Openness and transparency go a long way in strengthening commitment to the organization. These unavoidable waves of demoralizing news can destroy morale quickly. Many of the best ideas will be bottom up (such as virtual talent shows and peer-recognition sessions), so leaders often need only to create the space and resources for employee creativity to take hold. To foster employee well-being, give employees autonomy and flexibility to create work from home environments that best suit them and promote activities such as breaks, physical activity, and meditation. When your expression of appreciation is specific and personal, it will be meaningful, whether it’s delivered through email, on a phone call, via video conference, chat, or any other means in our increasingly isolated work environment. We’re seeing real-time victories on social recognition walls and the resulting likes and comments on teammate successes make recognition a more inclusive experience for everyone. 4. Take a minute to think about members of your team who provide support, who work behind the scenes to get things done, especially those who are consistently, and thankfully, the “low drama” types. Next think about the Impact this team member had, the difference they made. Additionally, many of our teams are now remotely participating in 30-minute weekly meetings to provide updates, stay connected, and regale one another with stories of remote working. 2. Learn more! Workforce. Email. If employees don’t understand where the company is standing financially in times of COVID-19, it makes them feel insecure, unmotivated and even disengaged. We love the poignant words of Dana Ullom-Vucelich, “At the very core of our humanity is our care for one another. O.C. Employee Engagement Ideas During Covid. * Please make sure to fill out the required fields. While leaders drive employee engagement through culture, remote employees need the right tools to put that engagement to use. How do we get through this and come out the other end with a business that can continue creating value and jobs? The same holds true in the physical and virtual world of recognition. And that gets us to the heart of the definition of appreciation: to use wisdom and sound judgement in recognizing the worth of someone or something. —Rahm Emanuel . Employee Engagement During COVID-19: Using Culture to Manage Stress, Maintain Productivity. FMPers also have continued conducting scheduled bi-weekly supervisor check-ins and monthly committee meetings using Microsoft Teams. Consider launching quick pulse surveys as a means of checking in with employees. Have more fun. These challenges are likely intensified by the circumstances surrounding the pandemic. What do we do with our employees … to drive engagement, particularly increasing employee resources and promoting wellbeing. 20. Linked In. In times of crisis, priorities can shift quickly. To ensure employees are staying healthy and engaged, people leaders will need to lean into their teams and demonstrate a new level of empathy and understanding. These teammates often get overlooked because they care more about their work than their ego. In order to increase involvement and engagement of your remote employees, you can make them your brand ambassadors. April 28, 2020 in Wonders of the WorkplaceBy Christina Ashby-King, Kerry Connelly. It’s easy to remember with an acronym called SAIL. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | ADA Compliance 2021 © Federal Management Partners, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Employee Engagement; Coronavirus: Covid-19; Share this. 2. browsers is below; simply click an icon to go to the browser's download page. With less commuting, less physical meetings, less going out for lunch, and less people coming in and out of the office, we all have a little more alone-time to think about our teams. Apartment communities are a people-driven business, which makes it more difficult to cut off face-to-face communication abruptly. However, they generate power by looking for opportunities to move forward rather than being victimized by changes in the business climate. When workers believe their only way to participate in company or team recognition is when they get recognized, they often feel powerless and become cynical about when and why and to whom recognition is given. Your team members can take turns running a class, or you can collectively join an online workout class run by a professional. Heartfelt appreciation provides sustenance for another day, especially in turbulent times.” As a CHRO of a large healthcare organization with thousands of caregivers, Dana understands the essence of sustaining the people who willingly step into harm’s way to care for people in real need. Create and maintain a culture that … They make things happen without fanfare or expectation of reward. Furthermore, busy managers cannot possibly see all the great work being done on a team nearly as well as front-line workers and peers. Unify your company culture with technology that puts all your wellbeing programs in one place. They help us send a quick ecard, give digital points, or even nominate a hero coworker for a President’s award. Make remote employees your advocates. Tanner Institute, the data show the impact on giving to be every bit as powerful as receiving. Was it saving a customer relationship? We love the poignant words of Dana Ullom-Vucelich, “At the very core of our humanity is our care for one another. Employee engagement amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Averting a crisis? But you can help your company – and employees – emerge stronger from the coronavirus pandemic with these top 10 engagement ideas. Consider partnering with a local charity to help people in your community that have been impacted by COVID-19. Such resilient teams and companies come out of challenging times stronger, more confident, and with higher growth rates than their peers when the economy recovers. – Best Practices for Managing Client Expectations, Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community →. They mobilize people by pointing to past successes working against difficult odds. Virtual celebrations like these are a great way to boost employee morale, stay connected, and harness your creative energy from afar. FMP Examples: In light of the current situation, our leadership team reminded employees of flexible work arrangements and leave programs available to them if they are sick, caring for sick family members, or adjusting to new child-care arrangements. Charity is another great way to increase positivity among employees and connect them to a shared goal. Like many managers across the globe, I made the decision to transition my team from fully on-premise to 100% remote this week, following local recommendations for COVID-19 social distancing. The point is that we are human, and even if we can’t be together physically, by sharing in creativity and using these periods of social isolation for gratitude and reflection, we’ll get through COVID-19. They pull people together to celebrate even small victories, giving special attention to those activities that will give rise to even bigger gains and forward traction. It’s how careers were meant to be celebrated. Effective … "As COVID-19 creates significant disruption, and undercuts employee engagement, managers need to redouble their recognition efforts. Remote working isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Companies with cultures of resilience and action intentionally focus on communications that counteract some of this paralyzing news. Increasing VPN connections, using more video conferencing, becoming even more reliant on collaborative tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams. Measuring employee engagement and gathering feedback is more important than ever during the COVID-19 crisis. You know who they are. Family members are making sacrifices, juggling new challenges, and trying to give your team member the physical and mental space to do their work., FMP Consulting 2900 South Quincy Street Suite 200 Arlington, VA 22206 (703) 671-6600. Krol recommends setting up an employee engagement survey (if you don't have one in place already) to understand the general mood within your remote workforce. Learn more. For three hours per week, staff can sign off anytime during the workday for rest and wellbeing, no questions asked. Developing a faster process? FMP Examples: FMPers have harnessed their creativity and video conferencing capabilities to celebrate their colleagues through virtual happy hours and surprise birthday celebrations. Given how rapidly COVID-19 is evolving, it’s critical that organizations monitor the situation closely and ... 2. Posted by just now. A Gartner survey found that 74% of leaders plan to shift more employees to permanent remote work positions in the months ahead, and that 55% of employees will work from home at least once a week after COVID-19 is over. The most important part of your efforts to improve employee engagement this year needs to start by measuring ... 2. First, think about the Situation your coworker was facing when they did what they did—perhaps a challenging customer situation, a broken process, or a missing team member. A suite of employee experience apps and solutions that connect people to purpose, accomplishment and one another. Driving Employee Engagement During the Coronavirus Crisis "Never let a good crisis go to waste." The COVID-19 wellbeing survey template helps your organization understand employee overall emotional, social and physical wellbeing during COVID-19 and the factors driving it.. Celebrate, connect, and have fun doing it. Companies are preparing to reopen their physical offices in China over the coming weeks while continuing to support colleagues working remotely. Be Intentional About Communications It’s crucial … 6 Ways to Keep Employees Engaged and Connected During COVID-19, ← Hold Up, I Was Supposed to do What?! Explain that employee feedback is still very critical during this time and let employees know you still value their concerns, ideas, opinions, etc. FMP Example: As soon as news of the pandemic broke, we began looking for ways to help those impacted. … Employee Engagement Ideas During Covid. They focus on metrics they can move, and on the teams that are moving them. They work hard to stabilize employee hearts and minds with hope and confidence. The best way to do this is to provide clear, confident, and consistent communication and support. Designed for organizations UNDER 1,000 employees. And connected distancing and other COVID-19 safety protocols, uncertainty around the workplace persists people by pointing to successes. Pandemic with these Top 10 engagement ideas create something special that brings people.. Something special that brings people together, hobbies and stressors are overlapping in unexpected ways of date may... And the factors driving it Please make sure to fill out the other end with a rendition! T everyone ’ s critical that organizations monitor the situation closely and... 2 of tea our... But about their success not be able to properly display our website be understanding, empathic, and how person... 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