curved ridge buachaille etive mor grade

We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Help-Crag Map. These cookies do not store any personal information. 1 Buttress on Stob … No votes so far! Some people will happily solo up it (or run in the Glencoe Skyline race!). ... Buachaille Etive Mor via Broad Buttress. Buachaille Etive Mor 'The Great Herdsman of Etive' is one of Scotland's most iconic mountains. I had been browsing through the SMC Glencoe and the Scrambles in Lochaber guides for easy multi pitch mountain routes and had come up with a couple of options. The summit cone of Pap Of Glencoe provides around 60 metres of continuous good Grade 1 scrambling. Best described as a steep but moderately exposed ridge that winds its way up this iconic mountain depositing us onto one of Buachaille Etive Mor’s impressive Munros; Stob Dearg. with ewan.gourlay. Scrambling Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor in Glencoe is one of the classic scrambling days in Scotland. But ‘the Buachaille’ as it is often shortened to, has a number of avalanche traps in winter and needs careful route choice to keep safe. Curved Ridge weighs in at a hard scramble or an easy rock climb, but it is climbable in all weathers. Grade: Moderate . Cross to the left side (facing) of the slab, and head up until level with the top of it. Up by curved ridge, down broad buttress. Curved Ridge (grade 2/3) Pre-requisites . One memorable day even the tips of my toes got wet. Curved Ridge is not on the east face of North Buttress. Overview; Photos 1; Curved Ridge (Summer) Curved Ridge ; 240m. Ken: Eric and I were back out today, this time we headed to Buachaille Etive Mor to climb Curved Ridge, which is possibly one of the best routes of its grade in the Highlands. Scrambling Curved Ridge. There is a steep drop on the other side and, clearly, the only way forward is up the tower. Take this head on – grade 2, plenty of holds, and if in doubt just follow the polish! ***. This website contains route information submitted by real people like you, accounting the facts and personal tales of their experiences. The first part is steep, loose and very unpleasant – it’s best to keep close to the cliff on the right to start with, then move further left over screes after a couple of hundred metres until a made-up path comes into view down the left side of the valley (looking down) – if it’s clear, the cottage and car park are in view all the way and there is no problem with route finding. We have one very exciting documented walk on Glen Coe, the Curved Ridge scramble. A Guided ascent of Curved Ridge in Glencoe is one of the classic scrambles in Scotland and was once described as, ‘A grand mountain route and a smashing way to the summit of Stob Dearg’ Prices. Top ridge scrambles of Britain, Winter get me started. Any previous scrambling or climbing would be a bonus but is not essential. It climbs to the main summit of Stob Dearg on Buahaille Etive Mor, Scotland's most photographed mountain. Larger groups please contact us for prices. Rating: 4.6/5 (184 votes cast) Detailed route description and map. / III (Winter) Time: 7/8 hours Distance: 6km / 4miles Ascent: 750m / 2450ft At the far Eastern end of Glen Coe lies Buachaille Etive Mor. 'D' Gully buttress on Buachaille Etive Mor (Diff/Severe) No. with Paul Harris, Lisa Ferrero, Adrian Proctor, Martin Bella, Walter Robison. Sunbathed at the top for a good half hour. We have two further routes that need more information added to them, if you have the details of these routes, please email us at [email protected]. Be the first to rate this post. There are many rock-scrambling and climbing routes up the north face for Stob Dearg, the most well known is Curved Ridge, a grade 3 scramble in an airy aspect. Although a serious route, Curved Ridge is accessible to the confident walker with a good head for heights.Written for Walkingworld by Paul Shorrock Then take the obvious easy gully opposite and follow the winding path up to the summit of Stob Dearg, the highest point on Buachaille Etive Mor. Your email address will not be published. Help-Crag Map. The morning of Sunday the 23rd of September had promised to be a fantastic one. Climbing The Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor, Glen Coe on very hot day at end of May 2009. To descend either find the path that leads down (E of the summit) or down scramble some easy rock steps. Apologies for the camera-work. So watch out! Curved ridge is one of the prominent features of the Buchaille seen from the A82 as a curving ridge that passes underneath the face of … A path weaves up without difficulty to the summit but ignore this. Hard: Curved Ridge, Buachaille Etive Mor on May 9, 2010 in Glasgow, UK at Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. Curved Ridge, Buachaille Etive Mor Working again today on an Improvers Climbing Course, my climbers wanted to learn how to become self sufficient so they could go on to climb by themselves for the next few days. You should have a good level of fitness to do this route with previous hillwalking recommended. Buachaille Etive Mor. Buachaille Etive Mor. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Simply follow the approach path back to the road. By accessing any page on you agree that you have read, understand, and will fully comply with the following pages: Terms | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure. Overview; Photos 96; Curved Ridge (Winter) Iron Cross ; 240m. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! If you come here often, you should tell us (and the whole world, really) about yourself in the bio section of your profile. A Guided ascent of Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor Curved Ridge is one of Scotland's most famous scrambles, it is a great way to climb the iconic Bauchaille Etive Mor in both summer and winter. Curved Ridge is regarded as a classic hard scramble (Grade 3 - or Moderate rock-climb) - it requires careful route-finding and most would use a rope to aid security. Hidden : 22 Sep, 2017-Hidden: 15 Sep, 2017-Hidden: 15 Sep, 2017-DundeeDave: 25 Aug, 2017-via Great Gully Buttress. Add to cart. with ewan.gourlay. Buachaille Etive Mor, or "The Buachaille", is the most distinctive and recognisable mountain in the country, standing proudly at the head of Glen Coe and Glen Etive. Wilderness Mountains. On a guided ascent of Curved Ridge you can scramble your way to the summit of this majestic mountain under the care of one of our experienced guides. Little handholds but the rock (dry) was reassuringly grippy for boots.Next two steeper bits were turned on the left easily up grass slopes, a *large* drop awaits any slips to the right. Ignore the continuation of the flanking path that you’ve been on going off to the left and head steeply, directly upwards, on a well-trodden path through little outcrops, scree and heather. Curved Ridge and Crowberry Tower Grade 2 / 3 under summer conditions Curved Ridge is the most well-known and popular scramble on Buachaille Etive Mor, and arguably the second best in the Glencoe area, after the Aonach Eagach. Curved Ridge. Your instructor will look after you each step of the way allowing you to enjoy this superb mountain experience! Route finding is easy as the ridge is quite narrow and there is generally nowhere else to go. No description has been contributed for this climb. Route Length: 240m. Walking | Curved Ridge, Buachaille Etive Mor | A classic and popular scramble route up Glencoe's most iconic peak. Pre-requisites . The first steep rise of Curved Ridge can be identified by a deep gully to its right (Easy Gully), on the other side of which rises Rannoch Wall. Then look no further than this full-day scrambling adventure on the famous Curved Ridge on the Buachaille Etive Mor in Glencoe. Follow this for some way (passing beneath a number of other scrambles such as Broad Buttress), cross a scree and shortly afterwards pass beneath the bottom of the huge Water Slab, with the small stream dropping off a short steep and wet cliff at the bottom. Curved Ridge. Park on the minor road that runs east from Glencoe and set off through gates up the track at 112586. Buachaille Etive Mor, the 'big shepherd of Etive', is an imposing mountain, rising dramatically above Rannoch Moor and guarding eastern approaches to Glencoe. The Pap of Glencoe, although only 742m, is a shapely mountain sitting at the head of one of Scotland’s finest glens. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. It is rated as Grade 2 or 3 scramble, depending on what you read. Route: Curved Ridge Mountain: Buachaille Etive Mor (definition: big herdsman of Etive) Stars: **** Grade/Difficulty: Moderate (The low end of rock climbing grades. Lots of ascent/descent 6 hours the whack, comfortably done without ropes. then SW into Lairig Eilde. Curved Ridge (Winter) Grade-3 . It looks rather intimidating from here, but the scrambling is similar to what has already been done (grade 2). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The route finding looks quite complex from below, but there is a well trodden and scratched way throughout which soon brings you to the bottom of Curved Ridge itself. The day started of similar to yesterday, with the cloud base hovering just above the glen floor, but it soon cleared up to give a pleasant spring day. A good head for heights is also essential as there are a few exposed sections on the ridge. Apr 12, 2019 - Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor, Glen Coe - topo illustration. Any previous scrambling or climbing would be a bonus but is not essential. 11/06/2011 The Buachaille, Part 3 Curved Ridge An okayish forecast meant climbing was on. A good head for heights is also essential as there are a few exposed sections on the ridge. Hide Search . UK Scrambles is dedicated to introducing people to the activity of scrambling. Additional Parents; The Curved ridge; Images (3) Climber's Log Entries (7) Comments Additions & Corrections Page Type: Route Lat/Lon: 56.64528°N / 4.91638°W: Route Type: Mountaineering: Time Required: Most of a day: Difficulty: Grade 3 Scramble: Sign the Climber's Log! Whilst an intimidating looking route, with good route finding this is one of the classic scrambles in Glencoe. At this point, the lower part of Curved Ridge can be seen well up to the right – the huge vertical face of Rannoch Wall is a good indicator of where it is, if you can identify that. Considering one of Scotland’s most famous walls, climbing on the Curved Ridge on the incredible Buachaille Etive Mor is an experience you will never forget. Amongst all this drama, Buachaille Etive Mor stands head and shoulders above the surrounding hills, a mountain amongst mountains. Start/Finish: Buachaille Etive Mor car park, near Kings House Hotel. Bespoke bookings: fully tailored to your requirements, giving you exactly what you need. The SW side offers easy rock steps at a gentle gradient, compared to the slightly steeper SE side. It’s steep going but eventually the gradient eases and the summit of the Pap comes into view to the left. Move across this very carefully (including taking care not to dislodge any stones or rocks, which would plunge straight into Easy Gully) until the col is reached. GR: NN220563 The Herdsman of Etive, Buachaille Etive Mor, is one of Britain's most evocative mountains and ceratainly one of the most photographed. There is just a little more easy scrambling to where the ridge peters out beneath the rocks of Crowberry Tower. Black Cuillin. Terrain: Rock ridge. On Sean’s previous trip we did a day of winter skills on Bua Just follow any line that looks satisfying to emerge on the summit and enjoy the views. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Buachaille Etive Mor ridge from Altnafeadh. via Great Gully Buttress. Scrambling is the blurred middle line between hiking and climbing, considered by many to be far more enjoyable than either of them. It is a knee-wrenching descent, though, and you’ll probably be congratulating yourself for not coming up this way! After a while a significantly steeper rise in the ridge comes into view, with a deep gully/chimney to its right. Scrambling Grade 2/3 Participants: Mayaculpa, +13 Start from the car park on A82 at Altnafeadh. Others will very definitely prefer the security of a rope, especially on the two crux sections. Buachaille Etive Mor. Dates: Clear: Curved Ridge – Buachaille Etive Mor quantity. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Buachaille Etive Mor is one of Scotland's most iconic mountains and Curved Ridge is the classic route on this classic mountain! I’d heard that Curved Ridge involved Grade 3 scrambling (Grade 1 is the easiest grade, and the Aonach Eagach is a Grade 2 scramble). There is a short, steep down-climb, but the holds are there. More Details. From here, it’s possible to continue walking over as much of the ridge of the Buachaille, with its two further summits, as is desired. Other routes and challenges. Continue carefully up to the left if you wish to stand on the top of the tower, then return the same way and take the flanking path which leads you into the gap between the tower and the bulk of Stob Dearg. 3 areas to think about, 1st encountered was a more vertical crag barring the way, although it looked possible to go up this on the left, followed the guidebook and took the shallow groove up the slab on the right. Grade 3. From base of broad ridge scramble up via variety of lines with several flat areas to view route upwards. The Fionn Choire Horseshoe Scurr Nan Gillean by Pinnacle Ridge Cuillin Ridge Traverse Blaven and Clach Glas Traverse. After a two-hour approach the views over Rannoch Moor are stunning and they only get better the higher you scramble. Want a website thank ranks in Google Search. Learn more about working with UK Scrambles here. Our guides will look after you each step of the way allowing you to enjoy this stunning ridge! Two ways of approach, from Glen Etive near Dalness then north into Lairig Eilde, or from Glencoe (newish car park near NN 188 562?) My favourite route is Curved Ridge as it can be climbed in virtually any conditions. Did you know? I’ve done a bit of Grade 3 scrambling on Creise, a mountain adjacent to Buachaille Etive Mor, but on this scramble we weren’t “committed” – in other words, if it looked too difficult or scary, there was a much easier alternative way up. Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor is one of Scotland's most popular and famous scrambles. Bespoke Bookings. Straight ahead, to the left of the tower there appears to be an easy walk-off up a grassy gully. Park at Altnafeadh and take the path over the footbridge in the direction of Coire na Tulaich (the ‘tourist route’ up the Buachaille). Spice Factor: ️️️ | Difficulty: ⛰️⛰️ Min 2 – Max 3 £ 100.00. A classic climb in every way, this trip will challenge you and thrill you. However, if you wish to continue scrambling in a similar vein, notice the very narrow and exposed flanking path going right towards the col between the top of Rannoch Wall and the N ridge of Crowberry Tower. This is the way down. This is not as bigger day out as some of Scotland's other scrambles but it is action packed and takes you through some very impressive scenery and has fantastic views across Rannoch Moor and … A guided ascent of Curved Ridge takes you up the impregnable looking North East Face of Stob Dearg (1022m), the highest point on the Buachaille's ridge. Required fields are marked *. Beyond a picnic bench on the right a footbridge crosses a stream, take this path as it leads across the hillside to another stream. Buachaille Etive Mòr has many world-class scrambles and climbs, many can be done in both summer and winter. A trip to the summit and back can be done in 3hrs, making it a good choice for an easy afternoon. Mainly grade 2/3 scrambling.) But not to fear, this Grade 2 scramble is a must do for Munro Baggers and mountaineers alike! Park at Altnafeadh and take the path over the footbridge in the direction of Coire na Tulaich (the ‘tourist route’ up the Buachaille). This is the crux of the route (grade 3 / mod) and it would be worth considering roping up at this point if you have gear with you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Curved Ridge and Crowberry Tower Grade 2 / 3 under summer conditions Curved Ridge is the most well-known and popular scramble on Buachaille Etive Mor, and arguably the second best in the Glencoe area, after the Aonach Eagach. A guided ascent of Curved Ridge with a Curved Ridge Guide from Kirkhope Mountaineering will be an experience of a lifetime. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Others will very definitely prefer the security of a rope, especially on the two crux sections. Some people will happily solo up it (or run in the Glencoe Skyline race!). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Andy Moles - 16/Sep/09: Agags Groove is 'old' IV, now VII, 7 or something. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Don’t go into the gully but take the obstacle head-on. Hillwalking routes up Buachaille Etive Mor - Stob Dearg As you near the top of the tower (no more than 10 metres from its summit) notice a flanking path going off to the right, ducking under a protruding boulder. 18th July 2017. It is almost always associated with Glencoe, though to be correct the mountain belongs to Rannoch Moor or Glen Etive – the name means 'The Big Herdsman of Etive'. You should have a good level of fitness to do this route with previous hillwalking recommended. Curved Ridge is the epitome of a grade 2/3 scrambling. It is rated as Grade 2 or 3 scramble, depending on what you read. Inspire others to try a new scrambling route, become a contributor. An undertaking not to be taken lightly, requiring an experienced leader, a rope and good conditions. Don’t head up the gully immediately in front (or the ridge to the left, which is a climb) but keep moving diagonally right towards the bottom edge of Rannoch Wall, through some quite steep grade 1 / 2 scrambling moves (harder if wished!). Curved Ridge II 3. The scramble tops out very obviously with a variety of options, we opted for a circuit around Sgreamhach, Bidean and the Corbett, Beinn Maol Chaluim, back to Glen Etive. Curved Ridge. Aonach Eagach Ridge Buachaille Etive Mor by Curved Ridge Bidean by Lost Valley Horseshoe. There are plenty of good holds, a rightward slanting and rather polished groove being the most demanding bit, after which you top out. I am the God of Stratheyre - 22/May/05: Can't agree with the comment about Ravens Edge being 'poor in summer'. Curved Ridge is superb and I would say right on the borderline between scrambling and Moderate grade rock climbing. After a few hundred meters, the path forks; take the left fork, which flanks the complex cliffs of Stob Dearg. However, the quickest way down is at the bottom of the initial descent from Stob Dearg – two large cairns mark the col where the ‘tourist route’ comes up from Coire na Tulaich. Scrambling Curved Ridge on Buachaille Etive Mor in Glencoe is one of the classic scrambling days in Scotland. Big Herdsman of Glen Etive. Your email address will not be published. 1 day – 1 Munro – Grade 2-3 scrambling. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. After what has felt like a very ‘on-off’ Scottish winter, this week provided Sean and I with some good climbing. No description has been contributed for … Cross this too, and follow the path steeply uphill with the gully of Allt a’ Mhuilinn on your left. Duration: 1 Day. I chose Curved Ridge as the perfect place to learn. Buachaille Etive Mor is one of Britain's most evocative mountains and this is a real route to remember. 'Curved Ridge' is a superb Grade 3 scrambling route aiming directly for the Buachaille's northern Munro summit, Stob Dearg. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Ticklists. The views of Rannoch Wall, and over Rannoch Moor itself, are stunning. 3 Buttress on Stob Corie Nam Beith (Grade 3 Scramble) No. With great views onto the adjacent Rannoch Wall, an impressive face for rock climbers, this scramble has it all- exposre, fantastic climbing and a finish at the summit of an amazing mountain! There is a massive choice of scrambling routes to the top here, probably about 50m in length. Hide Search . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 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