It is suggested to pack a raincoat because these two months is the beginning of the high season in Thailand when the rain starts to clear up. In supermarkets, 7/11’s, trains, taxis, buses, etc. For example, the bus ride from Phuket airport to Phuket Town can take up to two hours depending on the bus, route, and traffic. Do not do any kind of inappropriate posture near images of Buddha. My wife said that for her the best outfit in the rainy season in Thailand must have been the long sleeve raincoat, leggings, and sports shoes. Tank tops, spaghetti straps, and halters aren't considered appropriate unless you are on the beach, in a nightclub, or at a black-tie event. In fact, there are some who say that the King’s lucky colour is actually pink, not yellow. I was planning on bringing two long dresses for temple visits. I also haven’t noticed people pointing weird looks at me because of how I’m dressed. I mean the only thing that you probably don’t have at home and that will be very useful in Thailand is the sarong. Picture by Tik Foto - Traditional buddhist part : … Of course, the real rooftop on the 48th floor was even better, and I managed to get the very best table for us. I’ve already mentioned northern city Chiang Mai, but the same applies to Phuket. Donations are neither required nor expected. No doubt that we could enjoy this beautiful view because of our outfits. Just people wearing the wrong clothes”. If you can fight your way through Bangkok's crowds and traffic, its sweltering heat and black smoke you will find colors so bright, so alien that you will think you have found Marioland. This time around there hasn't been a lot of violence at all concerning the demos. Men should not wear sandals anywhere other than the beach. The chart below lists the colors considered lucky and unlucky on specific days of the week. White and black are both appropriate for a funeral. Not only will you lose face and look bad, you will also find that this sort of behavior is not productive in accomplishing what you want to accomplish. Jeans are not the best option in Thailand – not only are they not very breathable, they’ll take a long time to dry in the humid weather. Color for Sun Planet. For me, I like sports (running) clothing the best. Due to the soothing qualities of this color, doctors and nurses wear white robes. Yes, a lot of tourists and especially in Phuket dresses like that, and it is totally fine. People judge you by the way you look in every country, but in Thailand it seems to be more pronounced. The King is especially beloved for his six decades of public service and humble demeanor. Best Fabrics To Wear In Thailand. I get goosebumps every time I look at this picture That day it was so cold up there! Do You Need To Carry A Passport In Thailand? Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, and the royal family is revered throughout the country. As a general rule for guests attending a Thai wedding you should avoid t-shirts, vests, shorts or flip-flops (thongs). There are no fashion police running around Thailand, so you can feel free to break the rules, too, if you don’t care, or if it’s just too hot to contemplate wearing long pants. A button down in a neutral color can be used as a light jacket in a pinch. Thailand is full of markets where you can buy these for super cheap. The colour of the Sun is a bright red, so those who want to make their Sun stronger should opt for this colour. This summer boys at one school went on a strike and came to school wearing skirts. Dress appropriately for your travels in Mexico - here's what to wear, How to Behave When Visiting the Temples in Thailand. It is deemed to send bad luck to the happy couple. 2. I want to share my nightlife in Bangkok experience with you. Temperatures in Thailand from January to March are averaging around 32 °C. Red – honour and patriotism . Women can get away with virtually any type of open footwear, even in an office environment, so long as it looks dressy and not sporty. Posted by. What to wear on the islands and beaches in Thailand. It keeps the tradition and the Indonesian spirit alive in such modern times. Pretty much every temple in Thailand has one or more metal donation box. Needless to say that the view was breathtaking and we were happy about our choice to visit this place. So, these countries now associate what is sacred and holy with the color orange. 2. Everywhere else there is no dress code, but first appearances mean a lot in Thailand, and by dressing properly you will be treated with respect. Spending a day visiting the temples is high on many people's itinerary, but make sure you dress conservatively, with a T-shirt covering your shoulders and a pair of shorts or a skirt down to below the knees. Dresses. This bank is interesting because among the brighter colors is the color grey – a color usually associated with illness and consequently rarely seen in Thai culture. So dress nicer and enjoy all the privileges that Thailand can offer to you. But no other nation is quite as rigid about color schemes. You should wear a helmet. People still know all of these colors by heart and consider the color of the day they were born their lucky color. No one will shame you for not donating. Regarding the dress code in Phuket, I can think of four occasions when you should pay attention to what you’re wearing: What to wear for Phuket trip in high season (January to March)? Reply. But like any country, it’s not without its shady corners. Just grab a sweatshirt with you, and you will be fine. Not to do so is offensive and will draw stern looks from your neighbours who definitely won't share the armrest with you…or worse. Buddhism is the dominant religion in Thailand, and many of the most magnificent temples are located in the Old City district of Bangkok. Here is the list of prohibited outfits for both men and women in the Grand Palace compound: When planning a visit to the compound of the Grand Palace the most important thing is to dress modestly. Warm clothing for long bus rides in Phuket. What to wear when driving a scooter in Thailand? Strappy, open toe, high heeled shoes are totally fine in almost any environment, but, as unfair as it may seem, comfy Birkenstocks are not. For ladies, it is okay to wear skirts and shorts that are little above the knee. You can easily find some online before you go – I’d recommend taking at least one pair with you in case you don’t find some you like in Thailand right away – and this kind are really great for travelling, too. (Must-read Travel Tips Included). The strictest dress code in Thailand is in the compound of the Grand Palace in Bangkok as it is a Royal venue. Thai culture and etiquette in Thailand is strongly hierarchical. Contents. … Putting on tank tops can alleviate the heat with the sun beating down on us during the daytime. Many people choose to wear yellow on a Monday as a celebration of the King who was born on this day and is revered throughout the country. In these temples where sometimes there is no one around you should still respect their culture by taking off your shoes and dressing appropriately. The traditional dress of Thailand, Chut Thai, has come to know many variations over the centuries. In Thailand, there is a specific dress code for tourists and locals when visiting temples – covered shoulders, pants, or dresses that cover ankles and no shoes. The Grand Palace temple is one of the most significant temples in Thailand, but there are many other temples in Thailand without guards or cameras. Below are some rules to follow if you want to blend in. Well of course this is not true. 3 years ago. Of course, the color revolutions — orange in Ukraine or rose in Georgia — prove that Thailand is not the only country that mixes politics and pigments. Even if it's 90+ degrees outside (which it probably is since this is Thailand after all), most men will wear long pants or jeans. A good plan would be to pack everything flowy and not clinging to body parts. According to ancient customs in Thailand, there is an astrological rule (which has influence from Hindu mythology) that assigns a color to each day of the week based on the color of the God who protects the day or Navagraha. The dress code and rules may be different at each temple. So, if you want to find out more about what’s appropriate to wear in a temple, on the beach or in the jungle, read on! Could change, but it's been pretty low key. Brilliant. There is no specific Bangkok dress code, but if you’re planning on visiting nightclubs, wear something nice. What Is the Proper Attire for a Summer Funeral? Wearing neon colors will seem like you’re trying to grab attention—definitely not cool. Overly bright hues are among the colors not to wear to a wedding, because again, you don’t want to steal the spotlight from the newlyweds. It’s considered bad luck to wear black. Putting on a comfortable shirt that will allow you to combined and match various looks during your holiday. Dress comfy and do not worry about sudden rain showers. Pack the Right Clothing and Shoes to Stay Comfortable in SE Asia, The 11 Best Swimsuits for Older Women in 2021, Bangkok Is Safe for Tourists..but You'll Still Find These Tips Handy, Packing for India: What to Bring and What to Leave Behind, Find out What a Resort Casual Dress Code Is, August in Florida: Weather and Event Guide, 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Plan Your UK Trip, What Not to Wear on Your Trip to Thailand, TripSavvy uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our. 2.1 Do wear comfortable, preferably water-resistant shoes; 2.2 Don’t walk around barefoot and pass on the high heels and boots; 3 At the Beach. That way you will be allowed to enter it, and you will avoid offending Thai culture. Thailand is a very relaxed place, and given the image of bikini-clad vacationers frolicking on beaches and backpackers in shorts and sandals exploring cities, you may think that anything goes in terms of clothing. Considered lucky in Thai culture, yellow is the lucky color for Monday, and it's considered the most important shade of the week because it represents the King of Thailand, King Bhumibol, who has held reign since June 9, 1946, and was born on December 5th, in 1927—a Monday. Because of the weather getting better and not that many tourists around like in January and February, I believe November and December are the best months when to visit Thailand. Giving Donations in Thai Temples . Above the knee is considered totally fine, but mid-thigh would be too short. Do not wear shorts, short skirt, bikini, tank top, tube top, or any other inappropriate clothes. You can buy one at Amazon. The color most people associate with royalty is purple, but that is a western perception of color. These colors of the day are traditional Thai birthday colors. I’ve heard of Thai tradition to wear yellow color on Mondays to honor the King of Thailand. Let’s start with my favourite travel sentence ever: “There’s no such thing as bad weather. His image is everywhere, from posters plastered on the exterior of buildings to photos displayed on taxi dashboards. 3.1 Do wear bathing suits on the beach and cover-ups in town; 3.2 Don’t walk around town in bathing suits or go topless Monday ~~~~White like a Full Moon. Everywhere were "Long Live the King" signs; even on the outside … The Thais' love for colors is deep and omnipresent wherever you look. In India, astrologers […] Besides t-shirt, sports shorts and flip flops I had a yellow rain poncho to wear. The sarong can be used as a skirt or as a scarf. She also said that it is a good idea to pack a pair of thin gloves with you as well. Showing respect to the monarchy in Thailand will win you many smiles of approval; not doing so can get you in deep water. For most weddings, wearing denim is seen as too casual. color for Monday, and it’s considered the most important shade of the week because it represents the King of Thailand, King Bhumibol, who has held reign since June 9, 1946, and was born on December 5th, in 1927, a Monday. 6. Thai people are fairly conservative and modest and tend to dress accordingly. As she prefers clothing form the Helly Hansen she recommends THIS RAINCOAT as a perfect fit for a trip to Thailand. It’s ok to wear black shoes and/or a black purse. Thailand is warm, sunny and humid, so it’s more than likely you will be sweating! Most people love the king. To be honest, I am not that sure if that still is a thing. In China, red symbolises happiness and is a colour that’s strictly forbidden at funerals. Many small shops across the street sell appropriate clothing. This inspired other Victorian widows to wear … The dazzling colours of Thai silk. Yellow, a color associated with the King of Thailand. If you wonder what clothes to pack for Thailand, then this article is for you. Do not say anything negative about the king of Thailand and the royal family. So I present to you some tips and suggestions for getting the most out of your trip. Likewise, other Asian cultures such as those in India and Cambodia also followed Astrological beliefs alongside Buddhism and Hinduism. Tourists walk through town in just their swimsuits nearly everywhere, but it really goes against social norms – I’ve even seen signs in Thailand telling people not to wear their swimsuits off the beach. On the plane, they will give you a blanket for your warmth, so you have to dress comfortably for such a long flight. Purple, pink, and peach all symbolize new life and happiness in Chinese culture, so wearing these colors indicates that you are supportive of the marriage, and also helps to bring good luck and happiness to the new couple. Here is a picture from the Grand Palace where you can see that everyone has dressed appropriately. But it seems like there is a non-spoken dress code for locals in such public places as shopping malls, cinemas, office buildings, and other locations. Close. Of course, it is a temple. What color must we as couples should wear for Visa interviews on Thursday and any other thing we can do. Jeans are not the best option in Thailand – not only are they not very breathable, they’ll take a long time to dry in the humid weather. For example, in Phuket, there is an order by the provincial governor to cover your face while in public. When in Thailand and especially near temples you will see tourists wearing these blue and white sarongs very often. This is the reason, you see many people wearing yellow on Mondays, pink on Tuesdays, and so on. There are some tricky rules to navigate when trying to decide what to put on your feet. Wednesday~~~~Green Like Mercury’s fresh news. This color was believed to teach kids how to be organized and calm (and it was the cheapest kind of fabric). Many other temples in Thailand have less strict rules. Now, when trying to figure out what to wear in Thailand, don’t forget about the face mask. Only a few brands offered face masks for free. This site is owned and operated by Thailand Travel Essentials. Not only did she wear her white wedding veil over her face, but she also requested white horses and a white pall over her coffin to be part of her send off. I have seen this myself. Day. I have the face of the average Thai teenage male and I am able to speak Thai. Sportswear is a great choice. What to wear on a flight to Thailand? ... Yellow is the King's color. The days of the week in Thai are named after ‘god’ planets and each are associated with a specific color. 1. One dress is purple and the other is black with white stripes. A hoodie or a sweatshirt for air-conditioned rooms and transport, Rain gear (coat, jacket, rain poncho) if it is a rainy season. In the U.S., Democrats may be associated with blue, but that didn't stop Barack Obama from wearing a red tie on Inauguration Day. The image is a bit dark as it was a rainy day. Your email address will not be published. Sometimes, Pha Nung is passed between the legs and fastened at the back by tucking it in a way called ‘Chong kraben’. If you are wearing "nice" shorts, you can get away with them in most environments, though it would be considered a transgression of social norms to wear shorts in a corporate environment or in any government building. Choose breathable and loose clothing instead. I'm a Thai-American visiting Thailand in the summer, what color shirt should I wear and not wear? If you're at a Thai shopping mall, movie theatre or another casual public place, take a moment and look around and you'll see that very few men are wearing shorts. I suppose the only no-no is don’t wear a kebaya that makes you itch at your event (try the fabric out before purchasing). But for some quick hints on appropriate clothing colors to wear in Thailand, this should help: 1. Deciding what to wear in Thailand can be a little tricky, especially if you are getting ready for your first visit to the land of smiles. For me wearing running sportswear was the best option for surviving the heat in Thailand. 4. Wat Phra That Doi Suthep is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Chiang Mai. Still, at times, it seems as the Thai are immune to the heat. Besides temples there are several other non-spoken dress codes in Thailand: Of course, also COVID-19 outbreak has changed the Thailand dress code for tourists. The key to Thailand’s unwritten dress code is polite clothing, even down to the type of sandals you wear. The good news is that casual is acceptable at all times and everywhere. Thais believe that wearing the color of the day brings good luck. Women should try to wear suits that are not overly revealing, especially in areas of Thailand that are adjacent to Malaysia: there’s a large and conservative Muslim population here. 1 What to Wear: Everyday Outfits. Here are the best fabrics that you can wear in Thailand: Loose-fitting clothing is the best because you will sweat a lot. To our surprise, a girl came to us and invited us to the rooftop. The most famous of these “day” colors is Monday. Some schools even have such strict rules that they don't allow students to wear shorts in very hot weather. And unless you were at a demo, it would be very unlikely you would be attacked anyway. In really hot days and depending on activities that I did throughout the day sometimes I took a shower even four times a day. White is the absence of color and is the only color widows are allowed to wear. Dressing in the color of the day has somewhat lost its importance in modern Thailand. The humidity is at its lowest, and it feels nice. For those of you who have trouble deciding what to wear each morning it might help to adopt this Thai practice which will at the very least sort out the colour of the day, and who knows, maybe offer a little protection from fate’s fickle fortune. This became an elaborate ritual when Queen Victoria, mourned the death of her husband, Prince Albert for 40 years. : 22 For example, the God of Sunday is Surya who has the color red. Reply. Shorts, tank tops, flip-flops, and sunglasses are the best combo for Phuket. Your lucky color is yellow, as is the case for the country's King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the world's longest-serving monarch who is so beloved that many Thais wear yellow shirts every Monday to honor him. In Bangkok, in high-end establishments, they might not let you in if you will be dressed in flip-flops, worn shorts, and white singlet. We took a speedboat from Ao Nang to Phi Phi. Noppadon Stocker/Shutterstock. Most of the time the weather has to be okay, but you might get surprised by sudden heavy rain. Some Thai schools will, unfortunately, require you to wear a uniform and you will be expected to pay for it. For ladies skirts and tops. Of course, the color revolutions — orange in Ukraine or rose in Georgia — prove that Thailand is not the only country that mixes politics and pigments. log in sign up. The level of humidity in Thailand can be absolutely crazy and you need to make sure to wear the proper clothes in order to stay cool, comfortable, and to respect the required dress code to visit temples and other sacred and religious sites. Last year, a swarm of yellow-clad demonstrators massed in Bangkok, taking over the international airport and virtually paralyzing the Thai capital for a week. On the beach, the simple advice is to wear what you normally would. So a hoodie or a jacket will be a good choice. Tourists who visit Thailand may notice that it is commonplace to wear yellow on Mondays in order to celebrate the King’s birthday. I mean the Grand Palace compound is impressive, but for me, the hidden Wonderland temple at the Tiger Cave in Krabi was something out of this world. It’s ok to wear black shoes and/or a black purse. Thailand Travel Essentials also participates in affiliate programs with World Nomads, Klook, and other sites. Overall the Thailand temple dress code is similar throughout the country. Despite the fact that every college campus in Thailand is full of women wearing tight miniskirts, in most other environments it is not considered appropriate to wear a super-short skirt (yeah, the irony is palpable). : 22 For example, the God of Sunday is Surya who has the color red. Monks chose this hue centuries ago mainly due to the dye available at the time, but the tradition has continued into the present. And they are turned on to the max. It is the acceptable color at funerals and ceremonies that mark death in the family. I can’t really pinpoint as we love seeing it worn more and more today. For women, the rule is laxer. Today, the color of protest is red. To be honest, we thought that we’re already on the rooftop. To me the grey communicates that this bank welcomes everybody. Thailand Travel Essentials is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. To be honest, I am not that sure if that still is a thing. For example, if you would need to cover your shoulders in Wat Phra Singh temple in Chiang Mai, you would have to pay a small amount of money for the sarong which can be returned after your visit to the temple and you would also get your money back. It was better than nothing. It is suggested to wear something warm because most of the Thai trains have air conditioning. Answer 1 of 4: Are there any clothing colors that are unacceptable for temples? What to wear on a train in Thailand? 3. r/Thailand. As a visitor to Thailand you don’t have to wear black or white and you aren’t expected to go to the same lengths as the local people. What I found interesting is that it was possible to rent a GoPro for a day for about THB 600 (USD 19 or EUR 17) if I remember the price correctly. I have written this article as a complete review of clothing that you should and should not wear in Thailand on every occasion. In the U.S., Democrats may be associated with blue, but that didn't stop Barack Obama from wearing a red tie on Inauguration Day. It is also considered unlucky to wear black at a wedding, so this means no black dresses or tops for women and no black shirts or ties for men, although it is OK to wear black shoes and black trousers or slacks. Put at least a shirt or cover-up over your swimsuit if you’re hanging out near the coast, and bring regular clothes to wear into town. It’s considered bad luck to wear black. Read my article about an International Driving Permit in Thailand HERE. Many cultures believe that there are colors associated with each day of the week. You can dress whatever colors you want, and you won’t offend anyone. Donning dark colours for mourning has been strongly associated with death and loss for centuries in the west and is a practice believed to date back to the Roman times. Denim also become option for What to Wear in Indonesia. This is my go-to cheat solution if I do not know what to wear that day. We got out of it and went to the terrace bar where we ordered our cocktails. 3. Thongs are generally a no-no and may attract a lot of the wrong attention. Clothing that dries quickly – leggings, linen pants or shirt, etc. Respect Buddha images. It’s good, though, to know what’s expected of you. Thailand truly is one of the world’s most beautiful destinations and a must-visit for any budding travellers. This is a country where modesty will take you a long way. The southern part of the country is more tropical, so it gets far more moisture than the north. The color alone is not a sufficient indicator of political orientation. Tipping Rules In Thailand (With Examples), Christmas In Thailand (Where And How To Celebrate), Dress as smart as you can to get a better table at a restaurant in Bangkok, Wear a sweatshirt to avoid freezing at the Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai, When it is a rainy season get a waterproof raincoat to stay dry on a speedboat in Phuket, To avoid being stopped by the police wear helmet when driving a scooter, Having an island hopping tour on a speedboat. Some people who visit, think it’s OK to wear swimsuits in Thailand in places that aren’t a pool or beach. You can read about it HERE. Denim. You can dress whatever colors you want, and you won’t offend anyone. You’ll find festivals taking place all over Thailand, frequently held in temple grounds, and they are always a pleasant experience, but … Archived. I was planning on bringing two long dresses for temple visits. In Thai (and Khmer) tradition, each day of the week is assigned a specific color. There are generally two seasons in Thailand: wet and dry. In addition to hot weather tops, bring along one long sleeve button down to layer as needed. Note that rules for wearing masks in Thailand are different by province. When not to wear traditional? As I’ve noticed in the daytime these thunderstorms don’t take too long, but in evenings starting from 6:00 PM it may rain for a couple of hours. It is bottom wear, usually paired with a Pah Hom. On you journey through Thailand you will quickly notice that Buddhist monks wear orange robes, do you think that they were all born on Thursday? This cloth reaches below your knees. The Philippine Embassy in Thailand has warned Filipinos in the country to avoid wearing red and yellow so they would not be accused of showing support for the opposing political parties. For men, don't wear shorts except for sports or very casual events. Do not wear flipflops of any color. Though some women will wear pantyhose with their sandals (yikes! Thailand loves a festival, and it’s not surprising when you consider having fun and socializing is as central to Thai culture as eating spicy food. Nothing to add other than that if you can swim in it, it is not appropriate for exploring the big city or even a small town in the country. Where to buy clothes for Thailand? Some Thai schools will allow you to wear sandals, but they have to have a strap at the back (ie: not flip flops, even with heels) and are best in muted colors. Pieces out of silk, rayon, viscose, modal, lyocell, or lightweight cotton are the most comfortable options for the hot and humid climate of Thailand. As you plan what to wear in Vietnam, do not skip warm layers if you plan to visit the countryside or the beautiful Sapa in the north. Laura Lawrence says: 2017-08-18 at 2:06 am. So, unless you want to dress up in a Thai school uniform, you’re better off wearing something a … Do not wear flipflops of any color. Saturday children are ruled by the color purple. At least for part of the Buddhist population. Trains, taxis, buses, etc showcase is a constitutional monarchy, and so.... Is warm, sunny and humid, so we had planned the visit the... Or more metal donation box when saying appropriate clothing, i mean Thai sarong wraps site is and. Colorful cultures throughout the country feels nice normally would the Queen actually used to wear black and white are national! For getting the most famous of these “ day ” colors is Monday your Thai friends to face... The compound of the country people wearing yellow on Mondays to honor the ’... Their lucky color, unless you were at a demo, it ’ s more than you! Your shoes and dressing appropriately i am not that sure if that still is a plan. Color at funerals dress appropriately for your travels in Mexico - here 's to! 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