french-flag-sizedThe Unique Keep It Current Business English Communications Approach

At Keep It Current (KIC), our business English communication training is designed to give you an edge in every type of business setting. Whether you require advanced spoken English skills to host meetings, make presentations, or manage staff, you’ll find that our intensive, one-to-one training methodologies will help you obtain your goals quickly and efficiently.


The Keep It Current Business English Advantage 

Highly interactive, Personalized linguistic instruction—ranging from business idioms to pop culture jargon—for professionals who need to effectively communicate with English-speaking associates in order to succeed.


Impeccable spoken English is the key to business success

3 execsAll KIC English conversation course work is conducted over the phone, in real-time, with an experienced instructor. Your personal instructor will work with you on a one-to-one basis, developing a customized plan that covers popular idioms, jargon, colloquial English and more— so you can effectively achieve your business goals.

Unlike other online, “cookie cutter” business English communication companies, all KIC instructional strategies, verbal interactions and assignment work is planned, conducted and evaluated by a single, dedicated instructor who’s only goal is your business English speaking success. At KIC we succeed when you succeed.

Click here to contact us today or call us at +1 978-905-0174 to learn how we can help you achieve English speaking success.